更新日:2017年6月26日 News一覧

【次回の予告】6/27・28・29『Magic: Where Did the Toothpick Go? 』(マジック:爪楊枝はどこに行った?)』を開催。

【From Teacher’s Eye ~授業後の先生から一言~】

Activity Time: This week, we’re doing a magic trick with toothpicks. We learn how to make a toothpick disappear! Through this activity, the children will learn action words like vanish (One, two, three, vanish!) as the magician and express astonishment (How did you do that!) as the audience. Once they understand the trick, they learn how to answer to the question “Where did the toothpick go?”.
Circle Time: In the homework discussion, we talk about prepositions of place like above, below, behind and in front of that answer to the question word “Where”. We also read a book that helps understand prepositions of place better with more words like on, in, by and next to me.