更新日:2018年7月18日 News一覧

【次回の予告】2018年7月17日(火)~19日(木) 『Let’s Try Some Yoga! (少しヨガをやってみよう!)』を開催。


(Circle Time)




【From Teacher’s Eye ~授業後の先生から一言~】

 ”It’s hot!” Say the students as they enter the classroom where the aircondotioning blowing softly. It’s a good week to calm down and refresh ourselves with some yoga after our one-to-ones, where we reviewed everything, from numbers to verbs, we have learnt these past few weeks. ”Can you do this?” The students start crossing their legs and try to stand up on their knees. ”I did it!” One of them says, proudly. ”I can’t do it.” Says another one. Let’s try some other poses. Don’t forget to breathe calmly.