2018年9月4日(火)~6日(木)(木)『Let’s pretend we’re in the airplane! (飛行機の中にいるふりをしよう!)』を開催。
(Circle time)
【From Teacher’s Eye ~授業後の先生から一言~】
Come fly with us! After a quick review of last weeks lesson we had a look at what goes on in an airplane. When you’re taking a long flight you’re sure to get thirsty and hungry. Who is the person who looks after us in this time? We call them flight attendants. This week we had a chance to play a flight attendant and a passenger on a plain. What does the flight attendent say and what should we reply? It was a good chance to practice words such as: ‘please’ or ‘ma’am’ and ‘sir’. It was also a great chance to practice asking questions. ‘Anything to drink, sir?’ Our flight attendant kindly asked. Unfortunately our passengers did not know what they had to offer and had to reply with a question. ‘What do you have?’ After showing our passengers what we have they could make their choice. ‘Juice please.’ We hope you had a pleasant flight with HOP! This week and we hope to see you again soon.